Monday, July 5, 2010

Bacci Tart with Frangelico Cream

"Baci are popular Italian candies featuring the inspired trio of chocolate, caramel, and hazelnuts. This dessert translates the candies into tart form, with a chocolate crust cradling a chewy filling of caramel and toasted hazelnuts and topped with a drizzle of dark chocolate."

I have never been a fan of hazelnuts (too earthy for me) and sadly, this tart did not change my mind. I loved the chocolate tart shell--it had great flavor and a nice cookie crumble. I also really loved the chewy caramel filling and I think I would attempt this tart again substituting a different nut (maybe pecan?). The tart was very easy to make, especially if you've made caramel before. Overall verdict: amazing caramel filling, a must-try for hazelnut lovers.

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