Monday, January 25, 2010

All-American Apple Pie

So, I have totally slacked off and not updated my postings as often as I’ve been baking. Well, here we go, let’s talk about apple pie.

This recipe began with two quantities of Flaky Pie dough (an easy mix of cold butter cut into flour, salt, and sugar, and just enough water to hold it all together). I tossed the granny smith apples with sugar (granulated and brown), cinnamon, allspice, and lemon juice and layered them gently into the bottom piecrust. I topped the apple mixture with the second crust and crimped the edges to form a seal. The pie then chilled in the fridge for 30 minutes and got a milk and egg wash before going into a 400-degree oven for 50 minutes. Overall, this pie was very easy to make, especially if you make the crusts ahead of time. I think the apple flavor came through very brightly, however, next time I will up the amount of cinnamon (I like mine more heavily spiced). The crust stayed flaky and crisp and I liked that the apples held their bite and did not turn to mush. I would say this recipe will be my new go-to for apple pie.

Up next: Lattice-Top Peach-Blackberry Pie

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